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VDF Guidance celebrates 20 years of support for DataFlex developers


VDF GuidanceSeptember 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of’s support for the DataFlex developer community. Started by Wil van Antwerpen and Frank Vandervelpen in 1999 to share knowledge, code and components, VDF-Guidance’s rich, user-contributed resource library is testimony to the openness and generosity of DataFlex developers worldwide and, especially, Wil who has diligently led the web site initiative for 20 years.

In response to a forum post about the anniversary, developer Michael Mullan wrote, "Thank YOU Wil, without you, ’Shared knowledge leads to accumulated knowledge’ would just be a pleasant proverb, instead of the incredible resource that VDF-Guidance is.”

On behalf of Data Access Worldwide and the DataFlex developer community that has benefited from VDF-Guidance for 20 years, a big thank you to Wil van Antwerpen and all who have contributed over the years to this valuable resource!