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DataFlex Reports 2024 Beta 1 posted for download and testing


We are pleased to announce the release of DataFlex Reports 2024 Beta 1 - the reporting tool of choice for developers to create a diverse range of reports, lists, tables and charts.

DataFlex Reports 2024 delivers a number of new Studio and Integration features and enhancements that will boost your reporting capabilities! Below a few highlights of this release...


  • HTML formatted text support - present data within a report object in HTML format without displaying the raw HTML code. DataFlex Reports 2024 leverages LiteHTML for parsing HTML data.
  • Factur-X support - create PDF files with Factur-X (a.k.a ZUGFeRD) support. Factur-X / ZUGFeRD is a cross-industry data format for electronic invoice data exchange.
  • Parameter comments added - you can now define comments on a per-parameter basis. These comments serve a dual purpose: not only can they be utilized for documenting essential information about each parameter, they also offer a means to convey additional insights from the report developer to the report integration process.


  • Added support for what export options are available through options dialog - The integration library contains three modules that can be used in a DataFlex application to let the end-user select an export of the report: Web Desktop, Web Drilldown, and Windows. The options in the export choices pull-down can now be controlled by properties of the cDRReport object.
  • Added two tool-bar buttons in the windows previewer for easier zoom in or out - The content of the Windows previewers could always be zoomed in or out with the Ctrl+MouseWheel combination and a drop-down control where one can select one of the logical preview factors. On customer request, this tool-bar has now been extended with two buttons to make zoom in or out easier!

Check out all that’s new and improved in the ’Help section’ of DataFlex Reports Beta 1. We’re looking forward to your testing feedback in the DataFlex Reports forum!

Why DataFlex Reports?

  • Individual or corporate users, and managers alike, all can benefit from the power of reporting with DataFlex Reports
  • Information needs to be available anytime, anywhere and DataFlex Reports can be brought to you on web, Windows and mobile devices
  • DataFlex Reports is a versatile and comprehensive tool for delivering reports to support business operations. Learn more 

Download and test...

DataFlex Reports 2024 Beta 1 Standard Edition 


DataFlex Reports 2024 Beta 1 Developer Edition 


Download and test DataFlex Reports 2024 Beta 1!