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Microsoft DataFlex?

By Chip Casanave

Data Access Corporation has multiple, registered U.S. trademarks for our "DATAFLEX” brand software based on the first use in commerce in 1981.

Accordingly, we were totally surprised by Microsoft’s use of our trademark for their new platform to easily build and deploy apps that they call “Microsoft Dataflex”. Their announcement was made in a blog written by Microsoft CVP Charles Lamanna followed by other Microsoft publications and published news articles.

Since we have received inquiries from customers confused by Microsoft’s announcement, this blog is to clarify that the new “Microsoft Dataflex” has nothing to do with Data Access Worldwide’s long-standing DataFlex products. There is no business connection between Microsoft and Data Access with respect to the DataFlex trademark; Microsoft’s new product has no technical connection to Data Access Worldwide’s DataFlex product.

This is obviously a complex matter - there is much to be known about Microsoft’s use of Dataflex to brand their products and Data Access’ legal rights in the trademark. We are consulting legal experts for advice and will publish updates as more information is available.

Update - July 28, 2020

On July 28, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Data Access Corporation filed a complaint against Microsoft Corporation for trademark infringement.

Further information about this matter:

A legal summary on

An accurate and thorough article about this subject by Mary Jo Foley on ZDNet.

Update – September 3, 2020

Data Access and Microsoft have agreed to resolve their dispute. Data Access has dismissed its complaint.

Data Access retains full rights in its DataFlex trademark and will continue to use and defend it.