Bug 5759: Error in export wizard when exporting to XML on Windows XP

Product: Dataflex 15.1
Component: Database Explorer
Current status: Fixed/Implemented
Fixed in Build: and component revision on 01/08/2010 in file n/a
Logged by: Dennis Piccioni on 01/08/2010
Last edited by: Dennis Piccioni on 01/08/2010
Reported by:
Peter Karminsky
First reported in: Visual Dataflex 15.1
Tested by: Dennis Piccioni on 01/08/2010 using build and component build

Bug Text
The XML changes in 15.1 require that when a DTD is assigned to the document you need to set the property ProhibitDTD to false. This has now been done.

Uncheck the "use DTD" checkbox on the XML options page.

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